
Digital admission control with INSEVIS S7 remote visualization

Corona has had a lasting impact on the way we live with pandemics. We have often looked in amazement at Asia and wondered how quickly the infection routes can be traced. Apparently, the necessary processes were digitized there more quickly than here. The obvious solution was the digital monitoring of the officially regulated number of people per area. Here, using the smallest S7 panel PLC from and the RemoteStage software INSEVIS, a very modular solution with various bus-capable sensors and actuators as well as remote displays and evaluations was created in the shortest possible time. 3(!) days had passed from the initial contact to the development and pre-testing of the basic solution approach. Competence and rapid responsiveness are part of INSEVIS' DNA. Our customer Sensotek GmbH/ https://www.sensotek.com/de/ now has one of the most flexible and always easily expandable people counting systems ever, which will still be valid after Corona.

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