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S7 software tools from INSEVIS – Implement complex tasks easily

The simple is the hardest. Our S7 software solves complex requirements in an ingeniously simple way. If you want to find your way around your project straight away, even after months of assembly, use INSEVIS. With a wide range of functions but a small program size. Whether as a drag'n'drop configurator or extensive visualization, whether as a multi-instance remote access tool or a useful service tool with the ultimate know-how protection. Useful, free. Our engineers maintain the software and keep adding new functions - at no additional cost. Because there are enough independent minds at INSEVIS itself, there is also a free remote visualization solution not only for INSEVIS PLCs, but for all Ethernet-capable S7 PLCs.

Applications with INSEVIS software

IBWolff-Energy Saving
Energy saving monitoring with INSEVIS software

Energy savings are necessary and therefore the order of the day everywhere. How easy it is with the INSEVIS S7 panel PLCs is shown by a project that was carried out by IB Wolff at Oerlikon Schweißtechnik. Here the aim was to convert the compressors to speed control via Profinet using a frequency converter...

Digital admission control with INSEVIS S7 remote visualization

Corona has had a lasting impact on the way we live with pandemics. We have often looked in amazement at Asia and wondered how quickly the infection routes can be traced. The necessary processes there were obviously digitized more quickly than here. The obvious solution was the digital monitoring of the officially regulated number of people per area. Here, the smallest S7 panel PLC from and the RemoteStage software INSEVIS were used....

Saving energy with INSEVIS S7 controllers

Energy savings are necessary and therefore the order of the day everywhere. How easy it is with the INSEVIS S7 panel PLCs is shown by a project that was carried out by IB Wolff at Oerlikon Schweißtechnik. Here the aim was to convert the compressors to speed control via Profinet using a frequency converter...

Anti-vibration system for heavy loads

When coils of metal are lifted, the crane hook alone weighs 20 tons. If it accelerates too quickly or brakes too abruptly, the hook swings for hours and can injure people, cause damage and slow down processes.

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  • configuration

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Home > Products > Software > Configuration

Konfigurationssoftware "ConfigStage"
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Configuration software "ConfigStage"

S7 configuration using ConfigStage is child's play. This free Windows software for parameterizing the CPU and communication interfaces is intuitive to learn. The graphical assignment (mapping) of external Modbus and CAN devices in the S7 language area, as well as the reading of external CAN devices with their EDS, integrated address overview with collision check, library function and much more is a groundbreaking solution. The positioning of the INSEVIS peripheral modules is done via drag and drop, as is the easy entry of the address and measurement ranges, assignment of the wiring and functions of the modules, etc. NEW: From V1.0.17.0 onwards, the compact devices are integrated with fixed peripherals.

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Home > Products > Software > Configuration

Konfigurationssoftware "ConfigStage"
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Configuration software "ConfigStage"

S7 configuration using ConfigStage is child's play. This free Windows software for parameterizing the CPU and communication interfaces is intuitive to learn. The graphical assignment (mapping) of external Modbus and CAN devices in the S7 language area, as well as the reading of external CAN devices with their EDS, integrated address overview with collision check, library function and much more is a groundbreaking solution. The positioning of the INSEVIS peripheral modules is done via drag and drop, as is the easy entry of the address and measurement ranges, assignment of the wiring and functions of the modules, etc. NEW: From V1.0.17.0 onwards, the compact devices are integrated with fixed peripherals.

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